California Redwoods & The Northwest States

We have several groups who have bought this because it includes States they’ve not been to. To those groups this is a bucket list tour. Circling from San Francisco north through Oregon and Washington, then east across Idaho into Montana, then south to Wyoming & Utah. Call us and knock these states off your list.
Pacific Northwest – Trains & Planes

Oregon and Washington host a legacy of Railroad and Aviation History. One is home to the famous Spruce Goose the other is home to Boeing and its world-class museum. We connect the two states with rail service. Add travel by float plane and visit America’s Car Museum, This is a fantastic inter-modal tour!
Pacific Coast North

The diversity of the northern Pacific Coast is such a marvel. Where else can you spend a week and visit the Wine Country & the Redwood Forests, drive the rocky coastline of Oregon and visit the Waterfalls of the Columbia Gorge. If those marvels aren’t enough, then you should know this tour starts with two nights in San Francisco and ends with two nights in Seattle.
The Lewis & Clark Expedition

Chasing Lewis & Clark is a historical odyssey with a full-time Historian onboard. You follow the Missouri River from it’s mouth to it’s headwaters, then cross the Rockies into the Snake River Valley and travel though it to the Columbia River and it’s end on the coast. This tour offers a number of hotels with river views, unique dining experiences, historical information on native peoples and conversation on the difference in the flora and fauna along your route.