Amish Artisans & Actors

There is a place in Ohio where people live in a much simpler time. There are no traffic jams, there is limited technology and family always comes first. Tour through the world’s largest Amish Community and experience a simpler way of life. Meet the local artists and artisans, and enjoy a show at the Ohio Star Theater.
Real Housewives of Ohio Amish

Forget Reality TV! Come meet the real housewives of the Ohio Amish. It’s a first-hand look at a day-in-the-life of Amish Women. You will see how household chores are performed without electrical appliances, you meet women who are running a business without modern technology. You will return home with a new found respect for the Amish lifestyle and a better understanding of Amish beliefs.
Cleveland Rocks

(lyrics) I’ve got some records from World War II,
I play ’em just like me granddad do.
He was a rocker and I am too.
Go “Cleveland rocks!”
“Yeah Cleveland rocks!”
Cleveland rocks!, Cleveland rocks!
Chasing the Amish

Explore the simple life on a laid-back tour filled with great food, shopping, crafts and humor. This tour includes two different evening shows, one at the Ohio Star Theater one at the Blue Gate Theater. Both are insightful into Amish culture and life.
Baseball, Rock & Woodstock

This American Odyssey begins at The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, includes the Baseball Hall of Fame then visits the Museum at Woodstock. It’s a journey filled with American Legends and Fabled Players. It’s an adventure where you can almost reach across time, step into the past, and discover the spirit of those who stood at the vanguard of history and changed the world.
The Ark & The Creation

Come enjoy history from the Old Testament in two of America’s newest museums. The Creation Museum offers a stunning interpretation of Adam and Eve’s Garden of Eden, and much more. Then at the Ark Encounter you are seemingly transported backward in time to meet Noah and his family, to gain an understanding of what life was like prior to the flood, and how they might have lived onboard for those 40 days. What was life like? from cooking food to sleeping, recreation, and even gardening.
The Ark & The Living Word

Revel in “the Greatest Story Ever Told” at the Living Word Outdoor Drama. The show depicts the moving and powerful life and ministry of Christ on a spectacular 400-foot panoramic set. A special backstage tour is also available for your group. Then at the Ark Encounter, you are transported back in time to meet Noah and his family and gain an understanding of what life was like before the flood.
The Ark & The Amish

This tour explores both the Old Testament and the Old Order Amish. It includes two great evenings of entertainment and two great days of sightseeing. Enjoy B & B Riverboat’s Nostalgic Dinner Cruise and a night of cultural comedy at the Ohio Star Theater. Plus, a daytime visit to the Ark Encounter and a tour of Ohio’s Amish Country.