The Starz Center for the Performing Arts
Broadway in Tampa
1 Days | Year Round
Starting At $Flexible Pricing
See world-class entertainment in Tampa at the Starz Center for the Performing Arts. The Center offers a large selection of Broadway shows as well as a variety of other concerts and performances.
Tour Highlights:
Current Broadway Show Schedule
Travel to Tampa, FL today on a Escot Bus Lines motorcoach for a Broadway show at the Starz Center for the Performing Arts. The Straz is located in Downtown Tampa, FL on a picturesque nine-acre site along Tampa’s robust Riverwalk. The Straz Center for the Performing Arts provides world-class entertainment, ranging from lavish Broadway shows to classical music and rock concerts. It is the largest facility of its kind in the Southeastern United States.
It boasts one of the nation’s leading Broadway series and is nationally respected for producing grand opera, as well as presenting a wide variety of concerts, performances and events.
**If the group is interested in a group meal (lunch or dinner), it can be added before the show.